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Photographing on Dartmoor: Tips from a local Pro Photographer

It's important to plan your visit, please visit the National Park's Website:

for all the information you'll need about access, parking and camping.

Wistman's Wood
Wistman's Wood

With over 15 years of experience as a professional photographer, I have spent countless days capturing the natural beauty and unique rugged landscape of Dartmoor. As one of the most captivating areas in the UK, Dartmoor offers a wide range of photographic opportunities for both amateur and seasoned photographers alike.

From rugged tors to mysterious woodlands, there is no shortage of subjects to explore and capture through the lens. Join me as I share some insights and tips on photographing Dartmoor, and discovering the magic of this stunning location through the eyes of a seasoned photographer.

1. Understanding the beauty of Dartmoor

Drizzlecombe Stone Row
Drizzlecombe Stone Row

Dartmoor is a stunning natural landscape located in the county of Devon, England. Known for its rugged beauty, Dartmoor is characterised by its rolling hills, rocky tors, and vast expanses of open moorland. The area is also rich in cultural history, with ancient ruins, prehistoric sites, and traditional villages scattered throughout the landscape.

Visitors to Dartmoor can enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities, from hiking and cycling to horseback riding and rock climbing. The area is also home to a diverse range of wildlife, including wild ponies, birds of prey, and rare plant species.

Understanding the beauty of Dartmoor requires an appreciation for its natural and cultural heritage. By exploring the landscape and learning about its history, visitors can gain a deeper understanding of this unique and beautiful region. Whether you are a nature lover, a history buff, or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, Dartmoor has something to offer everyone.

2. Equipment essentials for photographing Dartmoor

The local saying about Dartmoor is very very true. "If you don't like the weather; wait 5 minutes, it'll change". When visiting Dartmoor, appropriate footwear, waterproof clothing, and an OS map (OL28) are absolutely essential. It's an untamed wilderness and there's no guarantee your phone will work. Moreover, possessing the correct camera equipment is crucial for capturing the beauty of this distinctive landscape. To help the capture of breath-taking images, every photographer should have several key pieces of equipment in their kit.

Venford Leat Waterfalls
Venford Leat Waterfalls

First and foremost, a good camera is important, but knowing how to use it is crucial. A high-quality DSLR or mirrorless camera will give you the best results, allowing you to capture sharp, detailed images. Additionally, investing in a variety of lenses is also important. Wide-angle lenses are great for capturing the expansive vistas of Dartmoor, while telephoto lenses can be used to isolate specific details or wildlife. However, don't take more than you're willing to carry.

A sturdy tripod is another essential piece of equipment, especially when shooting in low light or long exposure situations. This will help you keep your camera steady and avoid blurry images. And don't forget extra batteries and memory cards – you don't want to run out of power or storage space while out on the moor.

Lastly, consider investing in a good quality camera bag to protect your gear while exploring Dartmoor. Look for a bag that is comfortable to carry and offers plenty of padding to keep your equipment safe and dry. With the right equipment in hand, you'll be well-equipped to capture the beauty of Dartmoor in all its glory.

3. Choosing the best locations and times to shoot

Nun's Cross Farm
Nun's Cross Farm

Selecting the optimal locations and times for photography on Dartmoor requires consideration of several key factors to achieve the best outcomes. Initially, contemplate the desired aesthetic and ambiance of your photographs, ensuring they align with your subject and intended message.

Consider the lighting conditions throughout the day; early mornings and late afternoons typically offer the most favourable natural light for outdoor photography, while the midday sun may be too intense and cast harsh shadows. Always check the local weather forecast before departing, as Dartmoor's weather is notably unpredictable.

Lastly, evaluate the accessibility of each site. While Vixen Tor may seem appealing, it's inaccessible. Be mindful of the Military Range on Dartmoor, which is active when Red Flags are displayed - you can check firing times HERE: Dartmoor firing times - GOV.UK ( Thorough planning and reconnaissance of your chosen locations will maximize your photography time and enhance the quality of your images.

4. Tips for capturing the essence of Dartmoor

Dartmoor is a unique and captivating landscape, known for its rugged beauty and rich history. Capturing the essence of Dartmoor in your photography can be a challenge, but with the right tips and techniques, you can create stunning images that truly do justice to this remarkable place. Here are five tips to help you capture the essence of Dartmoor in your photography:

  • Pay attention to the light: The quality of light on Dartmoor can change dramatically throughout the day, creating a range of moods and atmospheres. Experiment with shooting at different times of day to capture the best lighting for your subject.

  • Explore different perspectives: Dartmoor offers a wealth of photographic opportunities, from sweeping vistas to intimate details. Don't be afraid to get off the beaten path and explore different angles and viewpoints to find unique and interesting compositions. But be sure to check your map. It's very common to lose a shoe.

  • Focus on the details: Dartmoor is a landscape of contrasts, with rugged tors, tranquil rivers, and ancient ruins. Look for the small details that help to tell the story of the landscape, whether it's a moss-covered rock, a gnarled tree, or a weathered stone wall.

Bowerman's Nose
Bowerman's Nose
  • Use leading lines and textures: Dartmoor is a place of strong lines and textures, from the angular shapes of the tors to the wind-sculpted patterns in the grass. Incorporate these elements into your compositions to create visual interest and draw the viewer's eye through the image.

  • Be patient and persistent: Dartmoor's weather can be unpredictable, with sudden changes in light and conditions. Be prepared to wait for the right moment, and don't be discouraged if the conditions aren't ideal. Sometimes the most dramatic photos come from unexpected circumstances.

5. Nature First: Leave Only Footprints, Take Only Photographs

Dartmoor National Park is a unique and beautiful natural environment that attracts visitors from all around the world. As a protected area, it is important to ensure that we are minimising our impact on this fragile ecosystem. As visitors, it is our responsibility to ensure that we leave no trace of our presence and only take memories and photographs with us when we depart.

Saddle Tor & Haytor
Saddle Tor & Haytor

This commitment to "Nature First" helps to maintain the delicate ecological balance of the park and protects the wildlife and vegetation that call Dartmoor home.

When exploring Dartmoor, visitors should be mindful of their actions and strive to leave no trace of their presence. Remember to always refrain from "taking a souvenir", picking flowers or disturbing wildlife, and properly dispose of any trash or waste. By following these simple guidelines, we can all do our part to protect Dartmoor National Park and ensure that it remains a thriving and beautiful natural landscape for years to come.

Lots of areas of Dartmoor are actually working farms. For information on dog walking, camping and fires. Please follow the Ranger Code. For more information visit: Love Moor Life | Dartmoor

Remember, the next time you visit Dartmoor, be sure to follow the principle of "Leave Only Footprints, Take Only Photographs" to protect this special place for future visitors to enjoy.

6. Conclusion: Perfecting your craft and sharing your passion for Dartmoor in every shot

In conclusion, honing your skills as a photographer and truly showcasing your passion for Dartmoor in every shot is essential to creating stunning and captivating images. By perfecting your craft through practice, experimentation, and continuous learning, you can elevate your photography to new heights and truly capture the essence of Dartmoor in all its glory.

River Avon at Shipley Bridge
Shipley Bridge

Remember to always be mindful of composition, lighting, and storytelling in your photographs, as these elements play a crucial role in creating impactful images. Utilise different techniques and perspectives to bring variety and depth to your work, ensuring that each photograph tells a unique story and evokes emotion in the viewer.

Furthermore, sharing your passion for Dartmoor through your photography is a powerful way to connect with others who share the same love for this beautiful landscape. Whether through social media, exhibitions, or collaborations with fellow photographers, don't hesitate to showcase your work and inspire others to appreciate the beauty of Dartmoor.

By continuously striving for excellence, pushing boundaries, and staying true to your passion for Dartmoor, you can create photography that not only reflects the stunning landscapes of the moor but also resonates with viewers on a deeper level. Perfect your craft, share your passion, and let your photography speak volumes about the beauty of Dartmoor.

To learn more about our Dartmoor Photography Workshops, Please visit us HERE

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